Monday, 12 November 2012

Favourite animals and reasons

1) cat  because  they look at you with puppy dog eyes

2) dog because they are fun to play with

3) bunny because they are funny

4) fish because they are quite

5) pig because they can wiggle there nose

6) bird because they are fun to chase

7)snake because they can put there mouth over a object bigger then they are

8) star fish because they stay stuck to glass

9) turtle because there really fast in water

10) monkey  because they can swing from vine to vine


Unknown said...

I didn't know that

Unknown said...

Cats can make puppy dog eyes? Umm It kinda doesn't make any sence plus dogs are the best KABOOM RANDOM TEXT also monkeys should be at like 5 not ten

Unknown said...

Cats can make puppy dog eyes? Umm It kinda doesn't make any sence plus dogs are the best KABOOM RANDOM TEXT also monkeys should be at like 5 not ten

Unknown said...

Umm I put it twice by accident...